Resources in Psychology

You say, “I can’t find any articles in Psychology!”  How does that make you feel?  Frustrated?  Angry?  Depressed?  A little…crazy?

Let Ross Pendergraft Library write you a new prescription—PsychINFO.

Located on our Tech Databases page, this database contains abstracts and citations for over 2,500 periodicals.  It includes more than 3.5 million records and summaries from as far back as the 1600’s.  Regarded as the most extensive research database devoted to peer-reviewed literature in behavioral science and mental health, PsychINFO can help you find the right article and the right research at any academic level, from undergraduate to faculty.

The interface is similar to Academic Search Complete, the database featured directly on our homepage.  However, results in PsychINFO are limited to articles within behavioral science journals—clearing out the clutter and providing more focused results in sociology, psychology, gerontology, and other social sciences.


Other features include a powerful thesaurus, a cited references tool, and the ability to perform searches by tests & measures, population, methodology, and grant/sponsorship.  Check out this list of video tutorials for search tips using these and other features.

As an added bonus, the Library recently purchased PsychARTICLES–a companion collection of 101 full-text journals in behavioral science and related fields of nursing, business, and neuroscience.  Read recent articles from a number of journals like American Psychologist, Developmental Psychology, Group Dynamics, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, and Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology.  Browse our title list to look for specific journals.

The two collections are linked seamlessly, offering more full-text articles through the PsychINFO interface.  Spend less time looking for full-text and more time reading full-text.

If you are still having some database “issues”, come see your research therapists at the Reference Desk in the Library.  Or shoot us an email at   We promise to help you feel better about your research, and we won’t charge by the hour.