Hallo, ATU! My name is Brett Davies and I am a junior at Arkansas Tech University. I’m studying Biomedical Biology with a minor in German with plans to pursue a career in the field of medicine. On campus, you’d probably find me in McEver, the library, or giving campus tours with the admissions office! I’ll be spending this semester studying in Graz, Austria and am excited to share my experiences with you all.
When I was in high school, my family welcomed an international student from Switzerland into our home. We absolutely loved sharing our lifestyle, culture, and language with Pascal, and a year later my mom and I were able to visit him and his family in Switzerland. Experiencing life outside of the U.S. was completely new to me, and I took away many life lessons just from the short time I spent there. I saw a new, beautiful country and way of life and it completely expanded my view of the world. After this trip, I knew I wanted to spend time abroad and pursue some sort of language study. I added a minor in German and decided to go on a short-term study abroad trip through ATU. We were able to explore several cities in Germany as well as Vienna, Austria. This trip affirmed my passion to spend time abroad, practice language, and further my education.
In three days, I fly out with two other students, Lexi Chaney and Emily Beirne to Vienna and then to Graz. We are all very excited and ready to explore our new second home. However, leaving home for this long is something I’ve never experienced. I am already preparing myself to miss my family, friends, Springdale, and ATU. However, I know these next 6 months are going to be the best of my life!
Some attributes I plan to take into this experience is an open mind and willingness to learn. I am excited to meet new people from all over the world and learn more about their culture, background, and points of view. I’m also excited to travel to new places and be intentional with improving my language skills. I already know that most people in Austria speak English, so I’m hopeful to find people who will still challenge me in my German and not let me fall into only using English (which could become easy to do). I’m also planning on taking a course on American culture and history and I am looking forward to seeing other points of view regarding my own culture.
Overall, my adrenaline is already pumping thinking about returning to Europe! Travel is a passion of mine now, thanks to the previous journeys I’ve been able to have. I cannot wait to grow in confidence, social skills, and expand my opportunities around the globe!
Auf Wiedersehen!
Some photos from my previous trip in Austria and Germany