!Buenos días!
I’m checking in a little late to give an update about how life has changed for me here. Firstly, I’m running on Spanish time now—siestas and relaxed schedules. Though everything is more relaxed, I’ve been quite busy dealing with classes at home and in Spain. I’ve also taken up a job teaching English to kids. On the weekends the school takes us on excursions throughout Spain, which has kept me entertained. I have met so many new people from all around the world that just happened to be in the same place at the same time as me. None of my friends are from Spain, and many do not speak English, so I am learning a lot more Spanish as a result of only being able to communicate in Spanish. I have definitely become more extroverted and open to making new friendships. I’ve become more open to adventure, even climbing up a mountain. I’ve also tried so many new foods and have learned how to cook traditional Spanish recipes. I would love to live here in the future; I think I’ve finally settled down and made this my home. I’m proud of myself for adjusting, despite all of the difficulties at first. I am happier here, but I still have low moments where I lose motivation to do anything. I miss my family and friends so much, I wish that I could just fly back and forth.
My first impressions of Spain have changed because I now understand the culture better. The majority of what I am actually learning in school is about cultural differences to adjust myself to a new country. I also take 2 hours of grammar every morning, which has proven to be the most difficult subject for me. The grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation of Spain is completely different from that of Latin America. Overall I enjoy all of my classes and I’m loving learning here.
Until next time 🙂