I haven’t posted an update about my life in a while. There have been so many big changes. I finished my first semester here and passed all my classes, yay! I went on spring break for a week, well two weeks if I’m counting my spring break at Tech (which I still had assignments). They take breaks pretty seriously here, I wasn’t assigned any homework from my teachers in Spain, and I was encouraged to enjoy my break stress free. It was the best spring break I’ve ever had.
I went to Finland with my boyfriend and a group of friends from Japan and Korea. We went to see the northern lights, which we partly saw through the clouds. I went sledding for the first time and walked on a frozen over lake. I’ve never seen so much snow in my life.
After Finland we traveled to Italy. First Milan, then Rome, Pompeii and the Amalfi coast. Italy has always been my dream country to visit, after Spain. To be honest I wasn’t a fan of Milan. The hardest part was finding good housing and transportation. Taxis were all full as well as buses. We ended up staying in a very nice hostel, and I learned that most of the time it is actually cheaper to stay in an Airbnb than a hostel with 8 other people in the same room. But I’ve made many friends from all around the world staying in hostels. The shopping in Milan was the best I’ve seen. I couldn’t buy anything because I’m only allowed one backpack on the flight, but the fashion is impeccable in Italy.
We also went to an inter Milan fútbol game for very cheap. I’m not a sports fan, but it was so much fun. We flew to Rome after, which was extremely crowded. We saw the colosseum, the pantheon, and many other important historical sites. I never would have thought I would be able to go to Rome, it was such an inspiring experience. We then took a train to Naples, which I suggest getting on the train as early as possible. They overbook tickets and people are packed tight in the hallways and doorways of the train. Once in Naples we took a bus to Pompeii, another place I always dreamed of visiting. Pompeii is so much bigger than I ever imagined. I saw some of the preserved bodies from the volcano, sculptures, paintings and artifacts. Finally, we went to the Amalfi coast. The best part of the whole trip: the best food, people and nature.
This is a lot of information packed into one blog, but if anyone is interested in a more detailed description I can write more. I am so grateful to have had this experience, just 2 weeks have influenced my way of thinking about different cultures. I am glad to be back home in León and I can’t wait to return some day to Italy and Finland.