Dear Reader,
If you decide to study in Graz, here are some tips that I’ve discovered over these past few weeks.
- If you have limited Wifi (WLAN) access, turn off your connection to it while you’re asleep and unplug your laptop from the Ethernet port while not using it. Do this and you will not run out of data; and believe me, you don’t want to run out.
- If you need to get to Jakominiplatz, just remember that every Tram goes there at least once on it’s route.
- When you begin a conversation with a store worker, waiter/waitress, or teacher, always begin in German. Try your best to keep the conversation in German, and then, if you cannot continue, ask them politely if they speak English. I consider it fairly rude when someone I am with begins talking to someone with “Do you speak English?” Now, if you have no clue how to go about saying what you need, ask “Sprechen Sie Englisch?” it’s more polite.
- Have a nice balance of going out to eat and eating in your apartment. It’s always nice to go to a Steiermärkische restaurant, but sometimes you need to save your money and get a frozen pizza or something. You could even find a recipe online and buy the ingredients; stuff here is pretty cheap. Buy some apples, oranges, or bananas and use them as your “things to eat when I’m bored” food.
Spring has also arrived in Graz! The trees are blooming, birds are singing, restaurants and cafes have outside seating, and the parks are full of people! Everyone is changing their heavy coats and scarfs for shorts and sunglasses. Stores are beginning their Spring and Easter sales, and my teachers are opening the classroom windows to let the spring breeze fill the room with the aroma of flowers.
Well, until next time!
Caleb Mott