Hello all. As I am sure you expected, I have left Austria and I am back in the United States. In fact, I have been back for a month now. During this past month I have had to do a … [Read more...]
Tschüss baba <3
Hallo, everybody! I think it comes as no surprise to learn that a lot has changed since the last time I have updated given everything that is happening right now. To begin this … [Read more...]
“Nein, Emily!”
Hallo! I have been in Austria for almost a month now, and what a wild and incredible journey it has been so far. Every few days I'll pass by an especially German-sounding street … [Read more...]
Taking Off!
Hallo! My name is Lexi Chaney and I am a senior at Arkansas Tech where I am majoring in English as well as getting certified in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. In … [Read more...]
Hallo Alle, I have arrived in Graz, and boy was it a journey! It all started in Chicago where I was almost not able to get on my plane to Vienna because I did not already have my … [Read more...]
Just Some Advice
Dear Reader, If you decide to study in Graz, here are some tips that I've discovered over these past few weeks. If you have limited Wifi (WLAN) access, turn off your … [Read more...]
A Day to Remember
Dear Reader, So this past week was the best weekend that I have had during my entire stay in Austria so far: I went to go get my student Visa. To get it, we had to go to … [Read more...]
Ein Monat (One Month)
Dear Reader, It has been a whole month since I first arrived in Graz. I love it here! It is so pretty whe s through the old buildings and over the … [Read more...]