Mathematics Design Collaborative (MDC) – The Mathematics Design Collaborative provides free instructional tools for math teachers to help them engage students in math-related activities. Many states have MDC communities that are part of this effort. In October of 2016, the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) created a new Google community for the Arkansas Mathematics Design Collaborative. To join, simply click on the link above, then click on “Ask To Join” in the green box on the left.
Mathematics Glossary – This mathematics glossary provides an alphabetical list of mathematical terms. It not only includes key definitions, but also five essential tables that graphically explain 1) common addition/subtraction situations, 2) common multiplication/division situations, 3) properties of operations, 4) properties of equality, and 5) properties of inequality. Since Arkansas Curriculum Standards correlate closely with the Common Core, this can serve as a useful reference.
Algebra Definitions – On a more specific note, Chegg offers an detailed list of Algebra Definitions. It’s a great resource your students can use for quick access to complex concepts, and it has the potential to greatly enhance their understanding.
Mathematics Transitions – Here’s a document that not only discusses the organization and sequence of high school Mathematics courses, but also the two major mathematics transitions that students face.
Mathematics DOK – We’ve referenced Robert Kaplinsky’s work elsewhere in this blog. Here’s his Depth of Knowledge matrix for elementary and secondary math.
EngageNY – Math Curriculum – EngageNY was created in cooperation with the New York State Education Department, but is available for free use in all 50 states. EngageNY’s PK-12th Math program includes multiple domains covering all the Common Core Standards (which correlate closely with the Arkansas Curriculum Standards). There’s also a detailed Curriculum Map with suggestions on what to teach when for every grade. The program not only contains a full year of modules for Pre-K through 8th grade Math, but also Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, and PreCalculus. Note: Some have expressed concerns about the pacing of this program and low DOK levels. See the Curriculum Maps section for details.
CK-12 – CK-12 is a non-profit foundation dedicated to increasing access to high-quality educational materials for K-12 students across the world. The foundation provides free standards-aligned, concept-based learning for multiple grade levels in multiple subjects. CK-12 Math includes everything from basic arithmetic to trigonometry and calculus. (Note: New materials are added each month, so if you don’t find something you like today, be sure to check back later.)
Illustrative Mathematics (IM) – IM can be a helpful resource for 6th-8th grade Math, and it correlates well with Arkansas Curriculum Standards. IM’s student-friendly learning targets (at the start and end of each lesson) encourage students to take ownership of their learning. There are also diagnostic and end-of-unit assessments, as well as mid-unit assessments for longer units, to help you determine individual student mastery of key concepts. To get started, visit Open Up Resources, create an account, and choose the appropriate grade(s). Note: Please make sure you read the do’s and don’ts of using this product through an Open Educational Resource license. Some aspects of copyright law still apply.
Guided Math (K-2) – Although most of the resources in my blog are free, I’m including Tunstall’s Guided Math program due to it’s popularity with many K-2 teachers. It contains many of the same features as EngageNY Math, but appears to be more hands-on and interactive, which is often more effective with younger students. Tunstall’s video overview is a useful place to start. (You’ll need to set up a free Teachers Pay Teachers account to view it.) She also maintains a website and blog that features “teaching tidbits” for those who teach early math.
More resources coming soon …