Food for Thought …

Tools make us more efficient … Strategies make us more effective … Habits make us more consistent.” (Morelan, 2017)

Insights from an AP

As the psyche of our students (and schools) continues to evolve post-pandemic, the role of the Assistant Principal is changing. Here are some fascinating insights from an experienced AP who has developed some unique techniques for dealing with issues we all face.

Note: This includes several ideas that all educational leaders can use!

Be Creative!

Chronic absenteeism is becoming a serious problem in many schools. To combat this problem, principals need to lead the way in making school a place that students (and teachers) want to be. This article offers some creative ideas on how to get … [Continue reading]

The Art of Active Listening

Back in November, we discussed the importance of making others feel heard. Here's a related question: Do you listen ... REALLY listen ... to your colleagues, your friends, or even your own family? All too often, many of us listen only to decide … [Continue reading]

Dealing with Conflict

In our last post, we explored four ways to deal with criticism. Developing this skill can help you deflect conflict and move toward a more collaborative school culture. But even in schools with a strong, supportive culture, there still can be … [Continue reading]