Vital Tips for School Emails!

One characteristic that almost all highly-effective principals have in common is the ability to communicate in an efficient and professional manner. Even if you're not a natural-born communicator, developing and implementing (and … [Continue reading]

Jumping to conclusions …

The abundance of information available today can be overwhelming, and it can be very tempting to jump to conclusions. Instead we need to take time to gather evidence methodically, question assumptions, ask clarifying questions, discuss the matter … [Continue reading]

Zero Tolerance Policies?

Sometimes well-meaning policies end up having unintended consequences, occasionally even doing more harm than good! "Zero Tolerance" policies were designed to keep schools safe, and they started to become widespread a over a decade ago. This … [Continue reading]

Unconscious Bias

You probably believe that you always make clear and unbiased decisions ... ensuring equal treatment and equal opportunity for all your teachers, staff, students, and parents. However, the simple truth is that we all have filters that can prevent … [Continue reading]