The Library is hosting a small celebration of our new discovery tool today from 11:00-2:00, with special instruction sessions occurring each half hour in RPL 300 North. Join us for cookies, punch, and a little introduction to our new search tool, Find It, now featured on our homepage:
Use Find It to search scholarly articles, books, ebooks, and DVDs in one place. Narrow search results with left-hand filters by type, location, full-text, and more. This interface replaces our library catalog, and indexes all of our Proquest database content, most of our Ebsco content, Web of Science, Jstor, and more. Our native database interfaces are still available on our A-Z Databases page, but to get quick results in one search, give Find It a try. We believe this will be a much simpler tool for beginners to find academic resources, but it will also be a more convenient tool for the research pros to quickly find and filter the results they need.
The Find It tool also includes access to your library account, so you can check on what materials you have currently checked-out, items on hold, or if you have any messages from the Library. Sign-in with your Tech Username and Password to save searches or add items to an ‘eshelf’ for later browsing and viewing. If you are off-campus, you will need to sign-in to view search results from Ebsco or Web of Science, since these databases require authentication, even for searching. If you are on-campus, however, you will automatically see these results.
Drop by today at 11, 11:30, or every thirty minutes until the last session at 1:30 to learn a little more about the interface (or to simply grab some cookies in the library lobby). There will also be PRIZES at the demos! Come for the cookies, punch, and prizes–stay for the knowledge bombs.