The Library has bulked up lately on new, performance-enhancing databases in science and engineering. Let the library spot you on the following new tools to help bring your research game to the next level:
Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Database
This database from Proquest brings you research in aeronautics, astronautics, computer and information technology, and solid-state materials. Included are over 26 million abstract and indexed records and full-text articles from over 2,250 publications, including scholarly journals, trade periodicals, reports and conference proceedings. Coverage goes back to 1962. Planning a trip to Mars? This database will help you find the right stuff.
Life Sciences
JSTOR’s Life Sciences database comprises the largest collection of journals in the field sciences and broad coverage in the health sciences. At more than 160 journals and 8 million pages, the collection is JSTOR’s largest, and coverage spans more than 340 years of science history and research in the sciences. Find full-text articles in aquatic science, botany, developmental & cell biology, ecology, paleontology, and zoology. Coverage ranges as far back as the 1600’s, and as far forward as last week.
Engineering Source
Build your research paper on solid foundations by using this database for aerospace, biomedical, civil, electrical, environmental, mechanical, and all-other-things engineering. Includes nearly 1,800 full-text journals, and indexing for more than 3,000 publications. Content includes scholarly, engineering journals, conference proceedings, books, and trade publications. Get full-text from top journals like Engineering Management Journal, International Journal of Food Engineering, and Polymers for Advanced Technologies. Make this your first stop for articles in engineering.
Agricultural & Environmental Science Database
AGRICOLA, ESPM, and EIS databases are all included in this full-text bonanza of articles from scholarly journals, trade and industry periodicals, conference proceedings and more. This database covers topics like ecology, biology, bacteriology, atmospheric science, veterinary services, human nutrition, and agricultural economics.
Want more? In the last year, we have also added databases such as Materials Science & Engineering Database, Biological Science Database, and Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Database. Find these databases and more through our A-Z Databases page.
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