Need a room for a small group meeting? Need a quiet space to study without distractions? The Library has made it easier than ever to grab a study room using our online reservation system, Book It.
You can reserve a room online at any time from anywhere. To access the system, go to our library home page and look under Services for the Book It! link.
From there, click on a time slot or a particular day. Green boxes indicate that the time is available; red slots indicate reserved times. (Blue slots are times in the past or periods in which the library is closed).
After clicking a time, confirm your selection. You will be asked to use your ATU login and password to complete the registration. Finally, pick a name for your reservation, and you are done. A confirmation email will be sent to your Tech email along with a calendar reminder and a link for cancellation.
Rooms can be reserved in one hour blocks, up to two hours per day, per person. You can reserve a room up to two weeks in advance.
Available study rooms include 223, 225-230 on the second floor and rooms 127-128 on the first floor. For information about the capacity and furniture within each room, hover over the question mark icon on the schedule for descriptions.
In addition to study rooms, you can use our online Book It system to reserve times for the new Audio Lab. To do this, select “Book the Audio Lab” from the drop-down menu.
The Audio Lab can be reserved in two hour slots, with one reservation per day, per person. Keep in mind, students and staff can only use the Audio Lab for sound recording and/or mixing projects—it is not a study space.
If you have questions, problems, or reservations about the new reservation system, ask your always available librarians at We’ll be happy to help.