Every year, at the beginning of every semester, it happens: students approach the Ross Pendergraft Library service desks asking if we have their textbooks. And every year, it’s usually the same response:
This year, it will be different. At the request of the Arkansas Tech administration, the library purchased 27 general education textbooks for a new initiative to provide textbook access for general education courses. The purpose of this program is to help students in dire financial straits or those students whose textbooks are late in arriving for the start of classes.
They are available at the Circulation desk for 2 hour check-out within the library ONLY–they cannot leave the building.
To see our current selection, search our online catalog Find It and select the drop-down “Course Reserves”
Then type “Textbooks”.
This will display textbooks available in the course reserves available for checkout. You can also limit selections by course information using the left filter “Course Information”
If a professor has arranged for a specific book to be placed on course reserve at the library, you can also search by instructor’s name, course code, or course name.
Book checked out? No worries. Sign-in to Find It and use your your Tech ID and password, and place a Request:
Once signed in, use the Request feature to place a hold request on items checked out. When the item returns, you will get an email to let you know the book is available at the circulation desk.
If you are a professor and wish to place an extra faculty copy on course reserve for the benefit of students who may be strapped for cash or unable to acquire the book in time for class, consider lending it to the library. Faculty personal copies are always returned at the end of the semester, and it is a great way to guarantee student access to required course materials. Learn more about this program by visiting our website http://libguides.atu.edu/services/faculty#course or contact us for more questions about the program and how you can help us.
Remember–not every class will have a textbook available at the library! However, this new initiative will help make obtaining a college degree slightly more affordable and easier. If the program is a success, we will purchase more. So if you need a textbook, come check us out!