Come shake it up to live music next Saturday, April 6th at the Ross Pendergraft Library as we host our second Contra Dance in RPL 300B from 7:00-9:00 P.M. No partner and no experience necessary. Each dance will be taught before it begins, and no one will be left behind. The event includes live music from the Valley Jam Session Players and caller Cynthia Callahan.
An old-time contra dance, also referred to as a barn dance, is an informal country dance stemming from such dances in 17th century Western Europe. It has evolved just as the old-time music has. Traditionally this type of dance always uses live musicians playing fiddle tunes.
As part of the Echoes of the River Valley series, the library is bringing to life the folk arts of the past for a new generation. In addition to dancing, the series has featured events like yarn spinning, hand-quilting, and open jam sessions. The Jam Sessions occur every Thursday night from 5:30-7:30 PM in Doc Bryan 133. To learn more about this event, or others in the series, check out our resource guide or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.