During this unprecedented time where availability of online resources for teaching and learning is more critical than ever, the Ross Pendergraft Library has taken advantage of database trials and free offers to expand our collections, even if temporarily.
In the last month, we’ve brought online several databases–too many to feature here. You can find an updated listing of new resources, updated resources, and database trials at our resource guide here: https://libguides.atu.edu/spring2020databasetrials. A deeper dive into a few of those resources below. Keep in mind, many of these resources are being offered until the semester is completed.
This is a streaming video platform available at the library through our A-to-Z list. Recently, this platform has been updated significantly and now features new videos such as The Great Courses and 16 other films and documentaries. This newer content will be available for the next four weeks, but other videos are part of a licensed collection. If faculty wish to order a film, they contact their departmental liaison or fill out the request form available on Kanopy via search.
The Ross Pendergraft Library now enjoys full access to all available JSTOR collections from now until June 30th. JSTOR is a multi-disciplinary database featuring current and archived articles, primary sources, and ebooks. Previously, we were limited to just a few of their collections like Arts and Sciences and Life Sciences. But now, our access has expanded to articles in business, ecology, and a variety of disciplines. We now also have access to primary source collections such as “Global Plants” and “19th Century British Plants.” There are also several thematic collections on topics like Sustainability, Security Studies, and Lives of Literature.
Social Explorer
Social Explorer is an online research tool which provides quick and easy access to historical census data and demographic information. It creates maps and reports to help users visually analyze and understand demography and social change throughout history. The database will be on trial for the rest of the semester.
Colonial State Papers
The Colonial State Papers offers access to over 7,000 hand-written documents and more than 40,000 bibliographic records with this incredible resource on Colonial History. In addition to Britain’s colonial relations with the Americas and other European rivals for power, this collection also covers the Caribbean and Atlantic world. It is an invaluable resource for scholars of early American history, British colonial history, Caribbean history, maritime history, Atlantic trade, plantations, and slavery. This database is currently on trial until April 27th.
At this time, many other new resources and database trials are currently being negotiated, and we will continue to update this page as more resources come online. Check back with us or stay tuned by following us on social media: Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.
In the meantime, stay safe, keep calm, and research on!