New Online Resources During Coronavirus Pandemic

During this unprecedented time where availability of online resources for teaching and learning is more critical than ever, the Ross Pendergraft Library has taken advantage of database trials and free offers to expand our collections, even if temporarily.

In the last month, we’ve brought online several databases–too many to feature here.  You can find an updated listing of new resources, updated resources, and database trials at our resource guide here:  A deeper dive into a few of those resources below.  Keep in mind, many of these resources are being offered until the semester is completed.


This is a streaming video platform available at the library through our A-to-Z list. Recently, this platform has been updated significantly and now features new videos such as The Great Courses and 16 other films and documentaries.  This newer content will be available for the next four weeks, but other videos are part of a licensed collection.  If faculty wish to order a film, they contact their departmental liaison or fill out the request form available on Kanopy via search.

Screenshot of Kanopy, featuring the Great Courses


The Ross Pendergraft Library now enjoys full access to all available JSTOR collections from now until June 30th.  JSTOR is a multi-disciplinary database featuring current and archived articles, primary sources, and ebooks.  Previously, we were limited to just a few of their collections like Arts and Sciences and Life Sciences.  But now, our access has expanded to articles in business, ecology, and a variety of disciplines.  We now also have access to primary source collections such as “Global Plants” and “19th Century British Plants.”  There are also several thematic collections on topics like Sustainability, Security Studies, and Lives of Literature.

Screenshot of JSTOR, a multi-disciplinary database

Social Explorer

Social Explorer is an online research tool which provides quick and easy access to historical census data and demographic information. It creates maps and reports to help users visually analyze and understand demography and social change throughout history.  The database will be on trial for the rest of the semester.

Screenshot from Social Explorer database showing that 21% of Pope County persons 18 years or older are smokers

Colonial State Papers

The Colonial State Papers offers access to over 7,000 hand-written documents and more than 40,000 bibliographic records with this incredible resource on Colonial History. In addition to Britain’s colonial relations with the Americas and other European rivals for power, this collection also covers the Caribbean and Atlantic world. It is an invaluable resource for scholars of early American history, British colonial history, Caribbean history, maritime history, Atlantic trade, plantations, and slavery.  This database is currently on trial until April 27th.

Screenshot from a result in Colonial Papers detailing an exchange regarding Salem witch trials from Governor Sir William Phips to the Earl of Nottingham

At this time, many other new resources and database trials are currently being negotiated, and we will continue to update this page as more resources come online.  Check back with us or stay tuned by following us on social media: InstagramFacebook, or Twitter.

In the meantime, stay safe, keep calm, and research on!

Coronavirus (Covid-19) News and Updates – Library Edition

signs on the computer: Please do not use this computer social distancing

April 1st, 2020

Here is the latest information, as of April 1st, concerning library policies, access, hours, and collections during the current pandemic of Covid-19.  Please note that this is a rapidly updating situation, and as we make changes to our policies, we will continue to update this page.  Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter as well for more updates.

Library Hours and Restrictions

The Ross Pendergraft Library will be reducing regular hours effective March 27th :

  • Monday through Thursday, 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM
  • Friday through Saturday, 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
  • Sunday, 1:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Library Computer Labs

sign for wipes and a can of lysol wipes for wiping down stuffThe Library computer labs and printing are still available, but please observe the following restrictions:

  1. Computer labs and library services at this time are only available to students, faculty, and staff.
  2. In order to comply the Arkansas Governor’s orders, only 10 people are allowed on each floor. If the 10th person is already on the floor, you may be asked to go to another floor.
  3. Do not hold meetings or sit next to each other.  Do not congregate in groups.
  4. Use hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes to wipe down keyboards and surfaces between each use.  HELP US PREVENT VIRAL SPREAD BY WIPING DOWN YOUR KEYBOARD AND MOUSE BEFORE AND AFTER EACH USE.
  5. If you are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19, including fever or cough, stay at home or in your dorm room at this time.  Do not come to the library!  

Library Physical Collections

We are still making our collections available for check-out.  All materials currently checked out, with the exception of reserve items, headphones, and calculators, are not due back to the library until August 4th.   We have an outdoor drop-box at the north entrance, if you do not wish to come inside the library.  Additionally, all college universities in other parts of the state, including the Ozark campus, can facilitate the return of our books if you wish to return them there.   Short loan items like textbooks and headphones are still under normal circulation policies, and should be returned promptly for use by other students.

Library Services and Staffing

Most services are still available.  Interlibrary Loan is currently limited to online articles, only.  The circulation desk will be staffed, but Reference will be available via chat or telephone.  By using chat, the librarians can share their screen for more enhanced instruction.  This is available via our “Ask Us” pageThis site also features our phone numbers:

Online Resources

All databases, streaming videos, and ebooks are still available via our website at Find It or via the A-Z Databases page.  The library is currently in the process of expanding our streaming video to accommodate current faculty requests, but our main streaming collections at this time include:

Additionally, we have partnered with multiple vendors for expanded coverage of existing databases and trials of new collections.  Please read our New Online Resources During Coronavirus Pandemic news update for a full list.

Library Instruction Videos

The librarians are currently working on a series of videos for how to access our basic collection and services online.  Here are some instructional videos currently available:

We will continue to update our video offerings as we move through this time.  Check back here for updates

Online Library Research Guides

screenshot of the research guides link on the homepageFor students working on research papers, we have built a staggering number of customized guides for topics and classes.   Each guide contains suggested resources for articles, tips for citations, and links to other instructional videos, websites, and more to help them complete their assignments.

We currently have a guide specific for faculty that addresses distance education, streaming media, ebook collections, and more:


Information sources for COVID-19

For campus specific information, visit the ATU Coronavirus (Covid-19) Information page. The latest information for the public health will be freely available at federal and state government agency websites, like the CDC and the Arkansas Department of Health.   If need paywalled articles from Washington Post or articles from Lancet, and other academic or medical journals that you can access from home, here are some library-provided resources:

  1. Newspaper Source: Current access to New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and other newspapers around the country and world.
  2. News (Gale OneFile):Current access to Washington Post & New York Times, and other newspapers around the country and world.
  3. Chronicle of Higher Education: This is the full digital version.
  4. UpToDate: This is the point-of-care critical resource used by nurses and clinicians.  It requires a personal login, in addition to your tech login, but information is organized as a clinical aid in diagnosing, treating, and understanding disease and medical problems.  A great source to translate “doctor” speak and to find a quick summary of current academic literature.
  5. MedLine: This is the most comprehensive database for medical, academic literature.  Indexing JAMA, Lancet, and other top medical journals, this is a great source for locating the most academic studies on COVID-19, coronaviruses, and other peer-reviewed medical studies.

We will continue to update you as we get information and the situation changes.  But we are here to help you, however we can, for as long as we can.

Good luck out there and stay safe!

image of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)