Tired of your research not getting noticed? Worried that your work will not be valued, shared, or read by the rest of the world? The Ross Pendergraft Library has created Tech’s very own institutional repository designed to showcase ATU faculty and student scholarly research at the Online Research Commons.
The Online Research Commons (ORC) is Tech’s repository of scholarly publications, presentations, theses, dissertations, digital collections, and institutional archives. It seeks to bring together all of a university’s research under one umbrella with an aim to preserve and provide access to that research. Documents uploaded to the Online Research Commons are indexed in Google and GoogleScholar—making them discover-able and available to other scholars around the world.
Under “Faculty Research and Publications”, you can browse the research being produced and published by faculty at Arkansas Tech University, organized by department or discipline. Users can also browse by Authors or search the repository by keyword.
Since the ORC launched a few months ago, only a few academic departments like Emergency Management, Physical Sciences, and History & Political Science have been populated with publications. But as the ORC grows, it will contain citations, links to library-subscribed content, or direct PDFs to all faculty work including articles, working papers, conference proceedings, books, book chapters, technical reports, sound files, data sets, images, videos, and more from all areas at Arkansas Tech.
Authors who submit their work to the repository receive monthly reports regarding usage and downloads. A map summary of downloads for all documents in the repository is freely available on the ORC homepage:
Also included in the ORC are the full-text of all Arkansas Tech student dissertations and theses published since 2016. It also currently includes selected issues of the digitized Arkansas Tech yearbook, Agricola.
If you want your work to be showcased and included in the Online Research Commons, simply send a CV or list of publications to orc@atu.edu. For more information on the submission process, including what versions of publications can be included, be sure to review the Submission Guide to Online Research Commons @ ATU. Adding to our repository is free, easy, and can be an excellent vehicle for working papers, presentations, and conference papers not published elsewhere. So, get noticed, get discovered, and get your legacy preserved at Arkansas Tech’s Online Research Commons.
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