Welcome to Finals! The week when everyone tries to cram in days of work in a few feverish hours. Once again, the Library’s got your back with extended hours this week:
Monday: 7:00 A.M. – 1:00 A.M.
Tuesday: 7:00 A.M. –1:00 A.M.
Wednesday: 7:00 A.M. – Friday 9:00 P.M.
We will keep our normal hours this weekend before dropping down to Summer Interim Hours Tuesday, May 9th. See our full hours for the rest of spring and summer here: http://library.atu.edu/about/hours/
To help save time, here’s a list of top 8 recommended tools for that last minute, mad dash to the semester’s finish line:
- Find It – Search for those last minute peer-reviewed articles here.
- Book It –Reserve the Tegrity Room or a study room ahead of time. These are filling FAST.
- Owl at Purdue—The best in free citation help in MLA, APA, and Chicago. Not sure how to cite a resource? Use this.
- Refworks—Dump all your citations into this, let it generate your bibliography.
- Finals Schedule—We also have paper copies at all service desks.
- Text-A-Librarian—479-802-4876. Let us know when loudness strikes.
- Scantrons—Buy them for $0.20 at the Circulation Desk
- Cat videos—It’s not procrastination; you’re just taking a quick break.
Good luck—you got this!