New Additions

Calculator announcement pngIIIBreaking news: we now have graphing calculators for check-out at the Ross Pendergraft Library!  They are available at the Circulation Desk in three flavors: TI-82 , TI-83 Plus, and TI-84 Plus Silver.  You can check them out for 2 hours at a time, but they cannot leave the library.  However, you can renew them if you need them longer.

Just bring your Tech ID to the Circulation Desk to check one out.  Don’t let high calculator prices keep you away from such an integral part of most college-level math courses.


For many of you, this week is all about change–a change in lifestyle, a change of address, and a change in sleeping patterns.  The Library has made some changes, too.  Here’s a summary of some of the new things we’ve added, along with some of changes we’ve made to our existing collections over the summer break:

New Databases

We added two new databases to our collection that is sure to appeal to anyone interested in current events, international studies, foreign languages, or just about anyone trying to brush up on their Spanish.  Mango Languages is our new language-learning system which can help you learn over 60 different languages, including Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, or even Pirate.   Library Press Display is a digital newspaper database featuring newspapers from around Arkansas, the United States, or from 97 other countries around the world.   Learn more about both services from our summer blog posts from July 12 and July 17.

New Research Guides

The Librarians have been hard at work this summer creating new study guides for various subjects and courses to get you prepared for researching using Library resources.  This summer, we added research guides for Art, Biology, Distance Learning, E-Tech 101, and many more.  You can view them all by directing your browser guns here:  They can also be found under the Help menu from our homepage.

New Mobile Site

Get help from Library whenever and wherever you are with our new mobile site:  Get quick access to our databases, online catalog, and our contact information from any mobile device.

Audiobooks Moved To the 1st Floor

We’ve moved the Audiobooks to the east of the Reference Desk, in the first section of shelving.  Last year, they were in the Music Lab, which made it difficult to browse for your favorite titles.  Now they are on the shelves near the Reference desk, available for check-out and browsing any time the library is open.

Youth Moved To the 1st Floor, Too

The Youth collection, comprising books for children and young adults, has moved to the first floor as well, directly across from the Periodicals section in the “short” shelves.

Reference and Index were shifted

Looking for a familiar book in a familiar place in Reference?  Can’t find it? Never fear–we have shifted the Reference and Index collections so not everything is in their usual place anymore.  If you still can’t find it, it is possible the item is missing or was removed from the collection.  If so, tell us about it:   We might be able to acquire another copy for the library.

So how do you like the changes?  Let us know by commenting below, on Facebook, or send us an email.  It’s your library–what would you change?


Keep Calm

Research paper due?  Not sure where to begin?  Relax–the library has got you covered with Research Guides!

keep calm and research on

Hand-crafted by librarians from the finest academic sources,  Research Guides act as subject-focused maps for  finding peer-reviewed journals, reference materials, books, and more on specific subjects like Education or Fisheries & Wildlife.  Not sure which databases you should use?  Getting too many unwanted results?  Research Guides are built to save you time by focusing on the best resources to use for your particular topic.

We currently have 16  topic-focused Guides, but keep checking back as we will be adding new Guides all summer long.  Use the link above, or find it under the HELP section of our homepage.  If you don’t see your subject and need help, contact us today and a librarian will be happy to assist.


Good Reads!

Popular Reading Collection

Popular Reading Collection

Popular Reading books are here!  Last semester, we asked for your suggestions for good reading, and they have arrived!  You can find Fight Club, Hunger Games, The Watchmen, and more titles on the first floor of the Ross Pendergraft Library and Technology Center, near the south entrance by the stairwell. You can also browse the new collection online through our online catalog or search as a subject “Popular Reading Collection.”
Have more suggestions?  Help us grow this collection by sharing your favorite books with the Arkansas Tech community.  Email us or use the comment fields below to suggest what you would like to read when all your assigned reading is over.  In the meantime, keep checking the shelf for new titles throughout the spring semester.


Things happen at the Tech Library! Who knew? Well, now, you can too find out about our collections, special displays, and other events taking place within the building. If you wish, you can also get a feed from our blog, so you will constantly be updated on what is new or happening. Do not hesitate to leave a comment/suggestion.