The Ross Pendergraft Library at Arkansas Tech University is honored to have local author, Agalia Baker, as the featured speaker for the RPL Author Series on Thursday, October 24th at 6:00 p.m. in RPL 300B. This event is free and open to the public.
In her recent book, If Cancer is a Gift, Can I Return It? From Grief to Healing, Agalia Baker describes her emotional journey through her breast cancer diagnosis, treatment, and failed reconstructive surgery. Agalia Baker is an Arkansas Tech alumnus and retired advanced practice nurse with over forty years of experience, but even she was unprepared for her diagnosis. In her book, she details how the losses she endured from breast cancer are intricately tied to the grieving process. You can read more about Agalia Baker and her book at Arkansas Tech News.
For copies of her book, you can check one out from your local library. The Library will also give away one FREE signed copy of her book as a door prize at the presentation.
For news of future events and speakers, follow the Ross Pendergraft Library on Instagram or Facebook. You can also check out our Calendar of Events for the jam-packed month of October. Mark your calendars for more events:
October 29th – Spooky Trivia Night. 7:00 PM in RPL 300A
October 30th – Twenty-fifth Anniversary Celebration of the Ross Pendergraft Library & Technology Center. 3:00 PM in RPL 300A