I don’t want to give the typical response of “study abroad changed my life”, but it really did. These past 6 months have been some of the best I’ve ever had, and Europe has opened … [Read more...]
blog 7
Helloo everyone, I got my wish and now it’s snowing :) I’m used to the warm-ish Arkansas weather so the cold here is growing on me. The Germans are already used to it; in fact, … [Read more...]
update 6
Hi guys, It’s beginning to look (and feel) a lot like Christmas here in Germany, and there’s a christmas market right outside of my apartment, which is nice to see when I go to … [Read more...]
blog 5: germany
Hello all, Being in Germany for several months has given me a pretty good idea about life in central Europe, and especially, how different and interesting it can be compared to … [Read more...]
Germany update!
Helloooo everyone! The past few weeks haven’t been super exciting because I’ve been busy with school. I took a train with some friends to a cute medieval town called Marburg, … [Read more...]
blog 3: my average school week
Hi everyone! I just started school last week and it’s going well. I only have one class each day from Monday to Thursday, and then no class on Friday. One thing about the German … [Read more...]
Blog 2: first impressions
My arrival in Germany was chaotic but fun to say the least. When I arrived in Frankfurt, I was immediately confused. Thankfully, I already made a friend on the plane, or else I … [Read more...]