Online Instruction

As the COVID 19 shutdown continues for most of the country, here’s some timely information … not only for now, but for future reference as well!

According to a just-released study in the open-access journal Online Learning, the very best online instruction contains five key themes. These insights on effective virtual instruction were gleaned by closely examining commonly-shared techniques from top-rated online instructors.

May these ideas prove helpful as you continue to work with your teachers during these challenging times to provide meaningful instruction through online delivery.

State Testing vs. COVID-19

Pressure is growing on U.S. Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos, to grant a nationwide waiver for state standardized testing required under ESSA. Since these tests are extremely “high-stakes” in many states (impacting everything from grade advancement to graduation to funding), many educators are deeply concerned about the huge negative impact that this requirement might have on their students this year. This article is an update on the current situation and what may lie ahead.