Principal Retention

Getting (and keeping) good principals is increasingly difficult these days. This five-year study shows that despite what some believe, salaries are far from the only issue. The study also offers some clear take-aways how districts can do a better job of keeping excellent administrators.

While many of you have already experienced some of the issues addressed in this article, it might be useful to share with your superintendent so that they can share it with your school board. It offers solid research support for what most of us already know.

Principals’ Impact on Student Learning

Years of research suggest that principals can have a significant impact on student achievement. Now, a major new study quantifies just how much of a difference an effective principal can make! According to the study’s authors, while effective principals are skilled in instruction, people, and organizations, they also engage in a series of behaviors that set them apart from other educational leaders.

Grissom, Egalite, and Lindsay (2021) conducted this systematic synthesis of 20 years of school leadership research. They state that “Principals really matter. Indeed, given not just the magnitude but the scope of principal effects, which are felt across a potentially large student body and faculty in a school, it is difficult to envision an investment with a higher ceiling on its potential return than a successful effort to improve principal leadership.” 

This article describes the study and explores what those behaviors are. It also discusses the demographics of the profession, and how those may impact student achievement as well as teacher performance and retention.

And this article provides a link to the study itself, and makes the case that an effective principal’s impact is much stronger and broader than previously thought.