Teacher Retention

Increasing teacher shortages have become widespread and are now a serious issue in many districts. So educational leaders need to develop and implement wise strategies to only recruit new faculty, but more importantly, to retain the teachers they have.

Teacher teams offer one approach to improving retention. In addition, as this article shows, the proper application of teacher teams can also have a markedly positive impact on teacher effectiveness.

And that creates a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Principal Retention

Getting (and keeping) good principals is increasingly difficult these days. This five-year study shows that despite what some believe, salaries are far from the only issue. The study also offers some clear take-aways how districts can do a better job of keeping excellent administrators.

While many of you have already experienced some of the issues addressed in this article, it might be useful to share with your superintendent so that they can share it with your school board. It offers solid research support for what most of us already know.